Counseling Center
It is an honor and privilege to work at Rose Park Elementary in a rich, culturally diverse setting where students, families and staff are committed to education, equity, & excellence. We offer flexible hours to meet with parents and guardians. Please contact us via email, text messaging, drop in visit, (you may need to wait until one of us is available), or by appointment. Call our office to schedule an appointment that will include translation services.
The counseling team for 2021-2022 includes:
Robin Raine, M.Ed, School Counselor for students last name with the letters M-Z 801-578-8554 EXT. 195
Office: in room #195
Student Development classroom is in room #184
Wellness Center is located in room #183
Our Approach
Our counseling program follows the: Utah model for College and Career Readiness, American School Counseling Association model, (ASCA), and The Compassionate Schools approach to learning
Tier 1: Prevention
We provide weekly lessons in a one hour special entitled, Student Development for all kindergarten – fourth grade students that includes:
- Second Step, (social-emotional learning)
- Grump Meter, (emotional regulation and positive communication)
- College and Career Readiness, (includes all 5th and 6th grade students)
- Restorative Practices, (to heal relationships when harm has been done in a positive, respectful and accountable manner).
- Mindfulness practice
Tier 2: Intervention
Connect students with additional resources needed to build skills in the three domains of compassionate schools including individual and group sessions with a school counselor. We utilize research and evidence based curriculums that are culturally relevant with our students.
Domain 1: Assurances of safety and well-being, and school connectedness.
Domain 2: Social skills and emotional regulation.
Domain 3: Personal agency skills, assertiveness and executive functions.
Tier 3: Intensive Support
Work with staff, family and students to provide appropriate referrals and assistance for students with intensive intervention needs.
- Student Services Committee, (SSC)
- Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP)
- Referral & Assessment
- SLCSD Student Services
- Medical Services
- Family Services coordination with the Community School Director
- Valley Mental Health Referral (VMH)
- Individual therapy
- Parent Youth Village
- University Psychiatric Hospital
We have two community partners who provide small group counseling services at Rose Park. On is by Chris and Barb Tucker, who facilitate a weekly Grief Group for students who are suffering from the loss of a loved one. This group is after school on Tuesdays from 2:30 – 3:00 in the Wellness Center.
Volunteers of America facilitate Living Skills small groups for student’s aged 2nd-5th grade. Each groups has 10 sessions where students are able to learn and practice improved social skills, emotional regulations and friendship skills. Children receive a treat, and participate in a weekly activity that takes place during their special time slots so they do not miss out on any teacher instruction time.
Rose Park School Counselors use the Second Step program, TEACHTOWN, Grump Meter, and the theories of Solution-focused Brief Therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Experiential Therapy, and Play Therapy for our tier 2 interventions. School Counselors are not therapists and do not diagnose or treat students. Instead, our groups are “therapeutic”. For families who are interested in therapy for their student, the school counselor can help with a referral to our onsite Valley Behavioral Health Therapist, or referrals to other off campus therapy sites that are free to the public.
Our College and Career Readiness Program this year included the classes listed above accompanied with learning center time for students to role play various careers. We also provided families with an information night for families to learn about FREE essential community resources for on the job training certification, college classes in high school and receiving free tuition for the first two years of community college after high school graduation. Counselors also meet with every 6th grade student to make a transition plan for middle school. We host a Career Day for all K-6 grade students to visit with community members who share their careers in our school on that day.
Family Services
Allies for Immigration Guidance & Support
Medical/Dental/Vision Guidance & Support
Student Development
K-4 Weekly Instruction for Whole Class
Wellness Center Visits
Group Counseling
After School Groups
Screenings and Assessments
Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire
Check In & Check Out
Emotional Management
Wellness Center Visits
Grump Meter Skills
Calming Plan & Activities
Second Step
Boys Town
Living Skills
Voices Group
Restorative Practices
Peace Path
Family Services
Allies for Immigration Guidance & Support
Medical/Dental/Vision Guidance & Support
Student Development
K-4 Weekly Instruction for Whole Class
Wellness Center Visits
Group Counseling
After School Groups
Screenings and Assessments
Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire
Check In & Check Out
Emotional Management
Wellness Center Visits
Grump Meter Skills
Calming Plan & Activities
Second Step
Boys Town
Living Skills
Voices Group
Restorative Practices
Peace Path